You don’t realize just how important your teeth are until you lose them. When you’re missing several or all of your teeth, everyday activities like eating, talking, and even smiling can be frustrating, embarrassing, or downright impossible. If you’re looking to complete your smile with a lifelike set of teeth, Dr. Kathy Lam has the solution for you – personalized dentures in Wheaton, IL. Today’s dentures look and feel more natural than ever before, allowing you to live your life to the fullest even after tooth loss. Contact our dental office today to learn more about this classic tooth replacement!
Whether you’re missing just a few teeth or an entire arch, you might be eligible for dentures. To determine whether this solution is right for you, you’ll first have to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lam. She’ll spend some time getting to know you and discussing your smile goals before examining your mouth.
The good news is that most adults who have lost teeth and are in generally good health make good candidates for dentures. Any pre-existing oral health issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, must be treated beforehand, but other than that, dentures are a versatile, accessible tooth loss solution.
Based on her findings as well as your needs and preferences, your dentist in Wheaton will recommend one of the three main types of dentures:
As the name implies, partial dentures only bring back some of the teeth. Custom prosthetic teeth are attached to a gum-colored base, which uses metal clasps behind the remaining teeth to stay in place. Partials are designed to seamlessly fill in the gaps left behind by missing teeth like the last piece of a puzzle.
If you are missing all of your teeth, then a full denture can replace all of them at once. Like a partial, a full denture has a pink base and realistic prosthetic teeth. However, this solution sits directly on the gums and remains in place with natural suction, denture adhesive, or a combination of the two.
Implant dentures are the perfect marriage of tried-and-true dentures and state-of-the-art dental implants. Rather than using metal clasps, adhesive, or suction, implant dentures are secured onto titanium posts that are placed in the jawbone to act as tooth roots. With implant dentures, you get a solution that lasts longer, provides more chewing power, and will never slip out of place.
For generations, dentures have helped countless people enjoy smiles that look like new again. Here are some of the many benefits you can look forward to with dentures:
Are you worried about the cost of dentures? If so, that’s a fair concern – the procedure won’t work out if it “breaks the bank,” after all. However, dentures’ price actually varies from patient to patient. As such, you’d need to visit Dr. Lam in person for a treatment estimate. Whatever your situation, though, our office can walk you through the financial details. To learn more, you only need to keep reading or call us!
At your consultation visit, Dr. Lam will see if dentures could work for you. That fact means she’ll review the factors affecting your treatment’s price. In most cases, these amount to just three things:
Whatever your choice, don’t just default to the cheapest possible option. The most inexpensive dentures rely on subpar acrylic for their bases and teeth. Therefore, prioritize quality in your decision so your new teeth work well with your mouth.
Implant dentures, admittedly, are more expensive than traditional kinds. Still, their higher price is ultimately justified. These dentures have unique perks compared to others.
For starters, only the implant models rely on dental implants. As a result, they’re permanent and highly secure – so much so that they won’t slip or fall. Its implants also fuse with your jaw, which helps the prosthetics both look and act like natural teeth.
Furthermore, implant dentures save you more money than the alternatives. Their implants can last 15 years on average and work for over 30 years with proper care. Therefore, they involve fewer repair and replacement visits than standard dentures. The regular kind only lasts for 5-7 years, you see, which leads to frequent and costly replacements.
Generally, dental insurance does cover dentures. Most policies view these prosthetics as medically necessary. Given that fact, they’ll match 50% of the treatment’s cost.
Of course, exceptions do exist. Some insurance plans limit coverage of dentures. So, remember to confirm your insurance benefits beforehand. Our practice can even help you do so.
Thankfully, you don’t necessarily need insurance to make dentures affordable. You can always rely on a dental practice’s financing options.
Consider, for instance, our own practice. We at Dr. Lam’s office provide flexible financing through CareCredit. Through them, you can pay for dentures with monthly, low-interest installments. You could then cover their costs gradually instead of all at once.
To find out other financial facts about dentures, book a visit to our office. We’ll work with you so your new teeth are practical and within budget!
You have more options than ever to replace your missing teeth, but dentures in Wheaton have been used for generations because they are convenient and effective. However, it’s normal to have a few concerns before you’re ready to invest in a new set of teeth. Dr. Lam will explain everything during your denture consultation. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions.
Dr. Lam will instruct you to wear your new dentures for 24 hours. After the first day, get in the habit of removing them at night. Your dentures restrict blood circulation to your gums, which can lead to irritation, inflammation, and sores. Taking your dentures out before going to bed gives your gums a break. It also allows you to soak your dentures in an overnight solution to kill harmful pathogens. Your mouth is dark and moist, which is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can affect your oral and general health. Soaking your dentures every night kills 99% of bacteria to keep your mouth and body healthy. You’ll also prolong the lifespan of your dentures
Traditionally, upper dentures cover the roof of the mouth, which can diminish the way food tastes. It can also be uncomfortable for some patients, but there are palateless options. Your denture dentist in Wheaton, Dr. Lam, will examine your mouth and learn more about your preferences to recommend the best denture for your smile, like one with a horseshoe shape. It will look like a denture used for the lower arch or along with dental implants.
Although your dentures will function like your real teeth, they can’t be cleaned the same way. Toothpaste is abrasive, which can scratch your dentures. Not only can it tarnish their appearance, but food particles and plaque can get trapped in the crevasses, leading to odors and weakening your dentures over time. Instead, it’s better to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap or dishwashing liquid to clean them at least once per day. Don’t forget to clean your gums, tongue, and cheeks to keep your mouth healthy.
Nothing can ruin your day faster than a broken denture. You can’t go without your teeth, so you’ll need a dentist in a hurry. Contact our office for an emergency appointment and wear an older denture if possible. Although you may not have time for a trip to the dentist, don’t use glue or other adhesives to fix it on your own. It can lead to additional damage, and the glue can contain toxic chemicals or cause allergic reactions. Instead, leave the mending for the professionals. Dr. Lam will examine your denture and provide the repair or replacement you need to restore a beautiful, functional smile.
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