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Kathy Lam, DDS Blog

Can Dental Implants Stain?

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 4:21 pm
person with dental implants smiling

If you’re missing teeth, dental implants are an excellent way to fill in your smile and regain at least 80% of your bite power. They can be used to replace any number of pearly whites to prevent jawbone deterioration and give your smile a healthier, more uniform appearance. Since implants often serve both a restorative and a cosmetic purpose, you may be wondering if they can stain like your natural teeth. Read on to learn if dental implants can become discolored as well as ways to fix or prevent this.


Yes, Your Dental Crown WILL Match the Rest of Your Smile

December 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 12:55 am
dental shade matching guide

Basketball is a common pastime in our neck of the woods, especially this time of year – but unfortunately, contact sports like basketball, hockey, and other rough and tumble activities can put your healthy teeth at risk of injury. 

If you have suffered a chipped or broken tooth while out on the court or maybe even just from chowing down on your favorite food as a spectator at a game, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to repair the structure of the tooth. With advanced technology, that crown can be expertly shaded to match the rest of your teeth for a truly flawless appearance. Keep reading to learn how color matching works! 


Why Has a Black Line Formed at the Base of Your Crown?

December 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 4:04 pm
older woman with glasses smiling showing teeth

We all want to put our best foot forward, and having a healthy, attractive smile is a big part of looking great. If you have had a large cavity or chipped/cracked tooth repaired with a dental crown, you may have noticed a visible tell that gives away the fact that you have had dental work – a black line around the base of the dental crown. It’s a common occurrence with a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, but there is a solution. 


How to Avoid Teeth Sensitivity After Whitening Treatment

September 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 5:52 pm
woman smiling before and after teeth whitening

You may have eaten rice cakes that taste like cardboard to lose weight. To get “his hair” back, your buddy shelled out big bucks for that toupee that makes him look like “Uncle Rico” from Napoleon Dynamite. To quit smoking, your brother started vaping, and now he’s addicted to that.

To make a positive change in your life, it’s not set in stone you must endure a negative experience along the way. Take teeth whitening, for example. Can it cause teeth sensitivity? Sure, but you don’t have to put up with that for a smile upgrade.

Keep reading to learn the common causes of teeth sensitivity after a whitening treatment and what you can do to prevent it!


Understanding the History and Evolution of Teeth Whitening

August 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 10:40 pm
collage of great roman empire

The practice of teeth whitening is no new kid on the block regarding dental practices. In fact, it didn’t appear in 2011, or 1911, or even 11 AD!

This may be one of the oldest dental practices that still exists today. It is interesting that, although modern humans may not have that much in common with ancient cultures, they all seem to share more visual appreciation for whiter teeth.

Here’s a look at how some humans of the past pursued whiter teeth so you can see just how far the technology has come.


3 Tips to Enjoy Ice Cream and a Healthy Smile

July 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 8:13 pm

Woman holding ice cream coneIf you enjoy frozen snacks on a hot day, like popsicles or ice cream, you’re not alone. A cold, sweet treat is the perfect way to end a long summer day. Although you know they may not be good for your waistline, is ice cream bad for your teeth? Unfortunately, your sweet tooth can leave a lasting mark on your smile. Don’t worry, you don’t have to drive by your favorite ice cream shop. Here’s how you can protect your smile while indulging in a cold treat.


How Do Partial Dentures and Dental Bridges Differ?

June 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 12:37 pm
learning the difference between partial dentures and dental bridges

Living without a full set of teeth can place limits on the types of food you can eat and affect your confidence. Thankfully, you have two convenient options for restoring your smile to normal. As you continue reading, a local dentist explains the difference between partial dentures and dental bridges so you can better decide which route to take.


The Surprising Ways Allergies Cause Oral Health Issues

April 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 8:33 pm
Woman sneezing into a tissue

It’s that time of year again! Some may know April for it’s spring showers, or taxes, however this month also brings allergies. Coughing, sneezing, sniffling, and mouth breathing are some of the common side effects that come with April, but did you know that your allergies can affect your oral health? Read on to see how your smile is at risk when allergies are at an all-time high.


Will My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

March 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 7:46 pm
woman with a toothache talking to her emergency dentist

Have you just broken or knocked out a tooth? Has a raging toothache developed out of nowhere? If so, you’re probably already stressed enough without worrying about how much your emergency dental care will cost. Fortunately, dental insurance might be able to foot some of the bill. Read on to learn more about whether dental insurance covers dental emergencies.


How to Protect Yourself from Common Winter Mouth Issues

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kathylamdds @ 2:48 pm
woman with winter mouth issues

With the winter season in full swing, your body can experience some unfavorable changes. As it applies specifically to your mouth, you may notice such problems as discomfort, sensitivity and changes in its appearance. Unfortunately, there’s no fast-forward button to make the colder months go by swiftly, so what can be done to protect your mouth? Keep reading to discover how to prevent winter mouth issues.

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